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From Sea To Sea was created by Carleen Ross:

A creative art series representing the RCMP.

Released for Canada’s 150 celebration.

19″ H X 13″ W


Morning Shift highlights the cold and lonely shifts that some members face each day. Thosemornings where they do not want to get out of bed to face the cold but do so anyways, as thereare others that are dependant upon them.

This piece is one that means so much to my life within the RCMP. My husband would workmany shifts by himself, as it was a very small detachment in rural Alberta. After some of thescheduled shifts, the members would also have to stay on call through the night. It was onthese long shifts that our house would have phone calls at all hours in the night, waking myhusband up, to go to back to work.

It is engrained into my memory of watching him sit on the edge of our bed to try and wakehimself up, so he could gather all the information that he might need from telecoms, to preparehimself for what he was about to walk into. Then to only have minutes to get to the emergent situation to help those that were in need, and seem as if he was not in a dead of sleep justmoments before.

I remember feeling guilty watching him go to work with only a short few hours of sleep, as Iwould roll over and sleep through the night. This piece reminds me of my husband standingthere at the beginning of a shift with the dead of night around him, sometimes alone, fightingoff the bitter cold to face the work shift ahead of him.

Although my husband wanted nothing more than to sleep through the night like everyone else,he got up with no complaints as this is what he chose to do. He chose to help those in need. Hechose to be an RCMP member.

To see more of Carleen’s work please visit: www.CarleenRossArt.com

Facebook: @CarleenRossArtwork Twitter and Instagram: @ross_carleen
